Drug and Alcohol Information
Get informed, stay smart, stay safe
Resources available in other languages and resources suitable for Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Peoples
Resources suitable for Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Peoples
It's important to know the facts and dispel myths about alcohol and other drugs. Positive Choices provides factual and evidence-based information you can rely on. Test your knowledge in our quiz.
A higher number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people drink alcohol than non-Indigenous people.
Heard a term/drug name & not sure what it means?
“I have very open discussions with my teenager regarding alcohol and drug use. I encourage him to delay experimenting … however there is already pressure from his peer group.”
- Mum of a 13 and 15 year old
How families of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people can positively influence their teenagers choices.
Read this factsheet for some deadly activities families can do together.
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